Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Streamed Version of the Easy Podcast Video

Without any further ado, here's the streamed version of the Easy Podcast Video for beginners. In this version, there's no sound, but it's really easy to follow along with.

If you've got access to a phone and the internet, you can start podcasting today. Tomorrow, I'll tell you some things you can do after your first few "mini-casts" if you'd like to have a longer show.

Til then!


Welcome to Easy Free Ways to Podcast

I'll have a free video available in the feed for free easy ways to podcast shortly. First, introductions.

As you can see from my profile to your right, I'm the same Tinu from I've had a lot of questions about podcasting in the past few days, mostly due to the success of the book I published last July, Marketing Success with RSS.

I've been rewarded so much by my interaction with people because of that book, and so much success has been brought to my life because of it. So I started this blog just for free podcasting information.

(Yes, it's on blog spot, though I advise commercial sites to use the FTP option - I want it to be clear that this resource is 100% free - I may move it later).

This blog about easy, free ways to podcast is my way of giving a free gift back into the universe in return for all the joy I've experienced this past year.

If you're just getting started Podcasting, whether you're running a small home business or just an a fun resource, you'll find free resources here for podcasting. Be sure to add the feed for extra news and tools geared towards the professional.

So let's start podcasting! I'll be back in a few minutes with the free video that will show you how you can podcast with your computer and a phone -- even if you don't have audio on your computer.

Podcast News from the Washington Times

""Podcasts," radio-style programs that can be played online or downloaded to IPods and other digital audio devices, have become the latest vehicle for consumers to get information and entertainment on their own terms.
Most podcasts are produced by amateurs, some of whom say they are fed up with the homogenized sound of traditional radio. "

What? Amatuers? That's me and you! You don't have to be a radio star to podcast, honey! Do your thing.